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The Feoffees & Nominated Trustees

As a non-Royal, inter-denominational ‘peculiar’ Chapel no finances are received from any church organisation. The Chapel Feoffees and Nominated Trustees are entirely responsible for ensuring that there are funds to maintain this historic building.


In 1575 the people of Warminster were able to buy the Chapel, and in 1592 an Indenture was drawn up appointing "twelve, ten or eight of the principal honest and discreet men of the parish of Warminster" to administer it. They are known as "feoffees" (pronounced Fee-Fees).


The feoffees meet regularly throughout the year and their service to the Chapel, together with the generosity of the people of the town, County and Town councils have preserved the building for posterity.


Warminster’s first female feoffee, Heather Parks, was appointed in 2021 bringing her knowledge, expertise from her previous role as Warminster’s Town Clerk . This important change to the historical appointment of men reflects the diversity of the town's population, showing inclusion and modernisation of the chapel's custodians.

The Feoffees


Kerry Bishop


St Lawrence Chapel Organist

Why did you become a Feoffee?

My father, Desmond Bishop had been appointed a Feoffee way back in the 1960’s. He owned an electrical business in Warminster and rewired the Chapel as part of his duty to the town. Sadly he died at the age of 47. I have been touched by his public service and wish to use my musical talents for the benefit of the wider community.

What do you enjoy about being a Feoffee?

I am inspired by the peace and tranquility of the Chapel building, which has emerged as an oasis for both mental and spiritual refreshment in the centre of the town. Our weekly communion service has proved to be truly ecumenical, attracting a real cross-section of worshippers. As a musician and organist I feel that I can add an ‘extra layer’ to this very special public space.  

More About Kerry...

A native of Warminster, Kerry has lived in the town with his family for many years. After studying music and drama at London University and Middlesex Polytechnic he has taught at schools in London and Salisbury and here in Warminster where he was Head of Music at Warminster School for 25 years.


Kerry and his wife Lyndy (a violinist) are well known musicians who have been associated with 

many local amateur choirs and instrumental groups. As conductor of Frome Amateur Operatic Society (now FMTC) since 1982, and latterly Bath Gilbert & Sullivan Society; he has staged over 125 shows ranging from comic operetta and pantomimes to South West amateur premieres of ‘Mary Poppins’ and ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!’ 


In recognition of his talents and commitment to charity fund-raising through concerts and shows, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from NODA in 2008. Kerry is organist for the River Were Benefice in our vicinity, including the Minster Church of St.Denys and our Chapel.


Cllr. Andrew Davis

Why did you become a Feoffee?

In 2007 I completed a term of office as the Mayor of Warminster. I was approached by the then Chairman, Philip Howard, who asked if I would like to become one of the Feoffees of the chapel, explaining the trustees of the chapel and responsible for its upkeep on behalf of the people of Warminster. I was very honoured to have been asked and accepted a role as a Feoffee.

What do you enjoy about being a Feoffee?

I have been a Feoffee of the chapel for very many years now, and still enjoy being involved in the decision-making process with my fellow for Feoffee’s about the future of the chapel and how we can maintain this historical building.

More About Andrew...

I am a lifelong resident of Warminster. Interestingly, I have lived in the same house my whole life (third generation). I have run my own carpet business in Warminster for over 40 years and I am a Town and Wiltshire councillor.


Feoffee & Chair

Why did you become a Feoffee?

My father, David Frostick, was previously a Feoffee. I was always interested in the wide range of projects undertaken to repair, improve and develop the Chapel. I was keen to get more actively involved, particularly with project management. After an interview with the Chairman, I was asked if I would like to become a Feoffee? I gratefully accepted and have been focused on supporting the Chapel ever since.

What do you enjoy about being a Feoffee?

Understanding that the Chapel is such a special place to some many people. It has been a huge privilege supporting the hard work and dedication of so many people to protect this historic Chapel for future generations.

More About Ian...

I've been a life resident of Warminster. Married with two grown up daughters and a granddaughter. For almost 40 years I have worked locally at Lyons Seafoods selling prawns and seafood to the UK major supermarket chains. 


Dan Keene

Why did you become a Feoffee?

I became a Feoffee in 2019 after being asked by the previous Chairman, and have been involved in the maintenance and care for many years by helping wherever I can, and changing many a 'light bulb' over the last 20 years!

What do you enjoy about being a Feoffee?

I really enjoy 'giving something back' to Warminster as the Chapel is actually owned by the townspeople.  Having worked and been in business in the town for most of my life. Its nice to keep the traditions going for future generations to enjoy. 

More About Dan...

I have lived in Warminster for most of my life (40ish years), and have had a few businesses in the town. Currently I am the owner of TAPhouse in George Street, as well as owning a Chimney Sweeping company. Both of these keep me busy, and when I do get a spare moment, I love taking in the wonders beyond the town centre and going for walks with my wife Becky, in our amazing surrounding countryside. 


James Landry


Why did you become a Feoffee?

I was invited to join by the then Chairman

What do you enjoy about being a Feoffee?

I like being part of a team responsible for a beautiful building that belongs to the people of Warminster regardless of their religious belief. I also like seeing the chapel used to raise money for local good causes.

More About James

I have lived in Warminster since 1976 and am married to Helen. I am an ex-marine engineering officer and company director, I like reading, DIY and motorhoming.

I have lived in Warminster since 1976 and am married to Helen. I am an ex-marine engineering officer and company director, I like reading, DIY and motorhoming. In my role as company director I built the local Lyons Seafood factory and offices. I have travelled extensively world-wide helping to set up International standards in carbon footprinting, sustainability, ethical trading and anti-slave labour.


Heather Parks

Why did you become a Feoffee?

I became interested in the Chapel following my appointment to the position of Town Clerk for Warminster, in 2005.  I was approached by David Pollard, the then Chairman, asking how the Town Council could support the upkeep of the Chapel as they urgently needed funds to repair the clock.


I was able to signpost the Feoffees to funding opportunities but suggested that Curfew Cottage was made habitable to rent out again and use this as an income stream.

Suggestions were followed up and the clock and cottage improved. One grant supported the installation of an automatic winder for the clock, which if I remember rightly, cost in the region of £6k.


My initiation into the workings of the clock was a guided tour by David, in 3-inch stilettos, when he made me climb the tower steps to inspect. During my tenure as Town Clerk the Town Council and myself, attended and supported many services within the Chapel as well as various events. The making of the tapestry cushions, for instance, when we all put in a stitch or two, to the alter cushions.

In 2017 I was asked to become Treasurer – which I did, and this then followed with an invitation to become the first female Feoffee.

What do you enjoy about being a Feoffee?

I just love the history of this little space within the Town Centre which is such a peaceful place within a busy High Street. I felt that I could bring the skills and contacts I had in my career to assist the team of Feoffees in keeping us valid and up to date whilst protecting the fabric of the building for future generations.

More About Heather...

I moved to Warminster in 1977 from Grimsby, worked in Lloyds Bank before taking up the role of Town Clerk in 2005.  Although semi-retired, I still Clerk for Sutton Veny Parish Council and locum for other councils who need support. My Husband Bill is a local County and Town Councillor, and we are both involved and interested in local politics. I have one daughter and two grandsons, age 16 and 8, who are a big part of my everyday life.


I love the arts in all forms. I used to play the cello and piano and would have loved to have taken this further into university – but it was not to be. Now I love to listen to a diverse range of music as well as take in live concerts.

Travel is big on my agenda, and I still have plans to visit Australia again and find time to go to Canada and New Zealand.


Whilst never being very good at sport generally, I love to swim, watch a good game of snooker, tennis and rugby.  


More About Ray...

Ray Shorto


Why did you become a Feoffee?

I had been a PCC member of the Minster Church of St Deny’s for many years and had taken an active role in the running of the church. Canon Roger Sharpe asked if I was willing and then proposed me to keep the Minster’s presence within the Feoffee’s alive.

What do you enjoy about being a Feoffee?

I like keeping the chapel alive and open all week for people’s prayer and meditation. I am also interested in the town’s history and have written a history booklet for the chapel. I have also organised services, mainly the Boxing Day carols for many years and recently leading some of these.

Many people will know me as the secretary and treasurer of the skittles league. I started ‘sticking-up’ at junior school age. I them entered the first mixed team when women were allowed to play. My other interests include travel in Britain and abroad as far as Bali, Hong Kong, and Vancouver Island. Gardening is another interest. I have a large vegetable plot at home and have 16 grandchildren which take up some of my time when they visit. I also enjoy my life in this town and the area with country walks around the hills and the riverside. The history of Warminster is also of interest. I have republished the two Daniel history books and written three picture books mainly around the early 20th Century. With my interest in photography, I have helped in the ‘bestselling’ astronomical significance of Stonehenge booklet. I have also done many charity collections, some in my childhood from when I have been awarded a 50-year service badge from the Poppy Appeal.

Our Nominated Trustees

In 2021 The Feoffees asked members of the local community to become Nominated Trustees to ensure the voice of the community is involved in decision making of a building that is owned by the people of Warminster.


Cllr. Denis Brett

Warminster Town Council

Why did you become a Nominated Trustee?

As a Warminster Town Councillor I was approached to become a Nominated trustee to represent the Town Council.

What do you enjoy about being a Nominate Trustee?

I represent the people of Warminster as a Town Councillor, and volunteering as a Nominated Trustee provides a further connection with the town, it's community and this important historical building.

More About Denis ...

I am a retired Church of England Reverend responsible for the pastoral care within my parish as well as an Army Padres for 10 years offering moral guidance and ethical leadership to soldiers and the Chain of Command. More recently I have been a Warminster Town Councillor since 2017 and am interested in art, history, architecture, reading and writing in spare time.

Rev'd Susan Foster


Phone: 01985 213456

The Minster Church

St Lawrence Chapel & Minster Church Liaison

Why did you become a Nominate Trustee?

On my licensing as the Vicar of Warminster and Rector of the River Were Benefice of Churches, I was invited to be a Nominated Trustee of St Lawrence Chapel and what a hot this is, to be part of a rich history of the chapel, as we respond to contemporary society.

What do you enjoy about being a Nominated Trustee?

There is something special which comes with leading worship in the intermediate space of the chapel. Whether it is the regular Prayer Book Communion Service on a Wednesday morning or, the joyous Harvest Festival in October, there is a real sense of continuity and connection to those who have worshiped and loved this beautiful building over the centuries.

More About Susan ...

I enjoy art both as a practitioner, teacher, and prolific gallery visitor – the creative arts are, for me, as essential as oxygen. In recent years I have taken to Icon writing; during my theological studies with The Cambridge Theological Federation I began a fascination with religious icons, writing several papers on ‘Praying and Writing Icons’. I find praying with and, the creative process of writing icons, help lift me out of the ordinary into an experience of the new creation into an experience of the new creation a joy I share with others.

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Rev'd Lorraine Dobbins


Phone: 01985 215270

Warminster Churches Together

Sheila Pomeroy


Friends Nominated Trustee and Chapel Sacristan

Why did you become the Chapel Sacristan?

Many years ago I was asked if I would take over the role, it was a privilege to agree.
The role of the Sacristan is to ensure everything is prepared for the clergy before the service commences, assist at the altar and then finally clean and replace everything for the following service. The collection is counted, recorded in the service register along with the number of communicants.
I keep stock of all that is needed in the vestry which includes the purchase and collection of candles from Charles Farris at Mere.
At the appropriate church festivals, the altar frontals and Lectern falls have to be change to the colour that is required, due to the awkwardness and weight of this task, I am thankful to have Harriet Andrews a Friend of the Chapel to assist.
I now have Elaine McNicholas assisting with the sacristan work, we take the duties in turn. I am very thankful for Elaine.


What do you enjoy about being the Chapel Sacristan

What I love about the chapel is community.
The Chapel is a very special place for our town and the people who are travelling through to sit and be still. This is emphasised by the comments in the visitors book.

I have seen many changes, the Feoffees and Friends have worked tirelessly, it is a joy to have a vestry, kitchen and toilet.
Every Wednesday it is a pleasure to welcome the congregation who choose to worship in this special place.


More About Sheila...

St Lawrence Chapel Secretary

I have lived in Warminster since 1974, I am married to John, and we have 3 daughters. My home that John worked very hard building is where my heart is. I only worked volunteering as they were growing up. I was at Warminster Hospital for 28years with the Sweet Trolley, Warminster Link Scheme for over 15years.
I am still currently a Lay Pastoral Assistant at St. Denys The Minster Church and Assistant Church Warden, secretary and volunteer at Warminster and District Foodbank.
I enjoy using my organisational skills in supporting other charities.


Simon Cutler


St Lawrence Chapel Secretary

Why did you become the Chapel Secretary?

I recently became Secretary to the Feoffees after the position was advertised, and I was at the time,  looking for an opportunity to volunteer in a local organisation to contribute to a  local community group.

What do you enjoy about being the Chapel Secretary?

Its good to be able to contribute time and energy to a charitable organisation like the St.Lawrence Chapel which goes back many years and its important the Chapel is looked after to the best of our abilities.

More About Simon ...

I have lived in Warminster for the last 48 years and my 3 children and 6 grandchildren all live around  the local area. I have always been involved in community groups during that time ranging from Scouts, St Johns Church fund raising group, Warminster Brass Band and lately  involved in the admin of Table Tennis Leagues and Clubs in West Wiltshire.

St Lawrence Chapel Broderer

Lesley Fudge

St Lawrence Chapel Broderer

I moved to Warminster in 2007 am married to Chris with two daughters and their husband/partners, three grandchildren and a grand-dog, all of us living in Warminster. I am a retired senior operating theatre nurse manager with a 40-year career in the NHS. I was the co-founder of Friends of African Nursing (FOAN), a charity which works with the Ministry of Health in African countries to provide professional training for preoperative nurses.


I am a traditionally trained (Royal School of Needlework) technical embroiderer with a main interest in goldwork particularly ecclesiastical, ancient, and modern. This was something that I could offer as a specialist support to the chapel repairing and conserving the chapel textiles. After dabbling in many arts and crafts embroidery has become my main hobby which I thoroughly enjoy. As a keen reader, I am particularly interested in Medieval and Tudor history but enjoy a wide range of genres.

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